Tuesday 27 March 2012

Introducing the sleepy sheep

It's Easter (chicks, rabbits, lambs), Wales is well know for its flocks and of course many of us have resorted to counting them in a bid to sleep... so a sheepy sleep pillow simply had to happen sometime!

And it's so funny how, when you are working with upcycled fabrics, the perfect textiles seem to find their way to the top of the stash at the perfect moment. Ok well, in the case of my sheep body this time, I was putting away some pillow slips and hey-ho, I spot an old cot mattress warmer which was just perfect for the sheepy body. Back in my stash I rediscovered some grey skinny cords (too small around my bum!) which were just the ticket for the sheepy face and ears.

Plus this sleep pillow design just had to be a bit less time consuming than the others. I have been really quite rubbish, so far, in coming up with ideas that I can polish off in less than a day, even when I'm totally up to speed.

Here's the back to show you the sundress fabric I used because I felt my sheep should be in a beautiful flowery meadow...

... and here's the completed front. The pillow is full of lovely herbs which have made my sheep fall asleep, rather than jump over fences!

I'm sooo happy with that contented expression ... as the crafters say each one is handmade so will be individual but this sleepy sheep ain't bad for starters.


  1. Thats such a lovely pillow :) I love the flowery fabric, it reminds me of spring.

  2. Thanks for the comment - I think it's my favourite too!
